Sensitive to the cultural references of the times and with a range of different experiences under his belt, Massimo Osti became increasingly more passionate about politics and ecology whilst building the brand. In 1989 C.P. Company became supporters of the Rainforest Foundation (spearheaded by Sting and Raoni, chief of the Kayapo tribe) whose purpose was to raise worldwide awareness of deforestation in the Amazon Rainforest.

Sensitive to the cultural references of the times and with a range of different experiences under his belt, Massimo Osti became increasingly more passionate about politics and ecology whilst building the brand. In 1989 C.P. Company became supporters of the Rainforest Foundation (spearheaded by Sting and Raoni, chief of the Kayapo tribe) whose purpose was to raise worldwide awareness of deforestation in the Amazon Rainforest.